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5 Important Tips For Practicing Healthy Toileting Habits

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5 Important Tips For Practicing Healthy Toileting Habits

Some lessons stick with us forever: look both ways before crossing the street, keep your hands off the hot stove, eat Play-doh just one time and you’ll never hear the end of it.

But healthy toileting habits? Somehow, that didn’t make the syllabus. Sure, we nailed potty training (eventually), but it’s been every bum for itself ever since. 

Time to flush the embarrassment. Your toilet habits affect your health and your everyday comfort, so we could all use some tips to make our bathroom routines cleaner, fresher and comfier than ever.

What are healthy toilet habits?

Healthy toileting habits are about more than just getting the job done. They’re an opportunity to take better care of your body, one bathroom visit at a time.

Poor posture? Straining too hard? Using products that aren’t up to scratch? These habits can take a toll on your comfort and health. But with a few small shifts, every trip to the toilet can treat your body to a little kindness.

Think of it as a long-term investment in yourself — a simple way to feel good now and look after your future self. 

Tip #1: Know the benefits of squatting vs sitting

Good bathroom posture can transform your time on the loo. 

To many of us, sitting on a standard toilet may feel normal, but it’s not exactly natural. For thousands of years, humans squatted — a bathroom posture that straightens the colon and helps things flow easily. Sitting, on the other hand, creates a bit of a kink in the system (picture a garden hose), which slows things down.

The good news? You can enjoy the benefits of squatting without giving up your modern toilet. Adding a footstool to your setup can contribute to a reduced risk of health issues while making the whole process faster and easier. Sometimes, a little lift goes a long way.

Tips #2: Avoid straining or rushing your bathroom routine

There’s a reason it’s called a bathroom break. 

We know you’ve got things to do, but when nature calls, try not to rush it. Straining to get things done faster can lead to some uncomfortable side effects—hemorrhoids, pelvic floor dysfunction, the list goes on. Nearly 50% of people over 50 end up dealing with these issues in their lifetime and rushing is often to blame. Instead, just give yourself a moment and let your body handle the rest. Think of your time on the toilet like it’s yoga for your insides. Namaste.

Tip #3: Wash your hands because hygiene matters

Looking for an easy way to boost your health? It's as simple as soap and water. Handwashing and health literally go hand in hand — the CDC says that regular stops at the sink can help slash your risk of diseases by up to 30%.

Still, we’ve all been guilty of skipping a scrub. Just because you didn’t get hands-on doesn’t mean germs aren’t lurking nearby. Airborne germs have no boundaries.

So, lather up after every pit stop. Twenty seconds is all it takes to protect yourself and the people you care about most. 

Tip #4: Clean up the toilet seat every time

Think of cleaning the toilet seat as the ultimate act of kindness — for yourself and everyone else. Bathroom germs can linger for up to seven days, so leaving a seat unwiped is just asking for bacteria to set up camp.

If you’re sharing a bathroom, consider the wipedown a non-negotiable. It takes no time at all to grab some disinfectant or toilet paper and give the seat a once over, but it dramatically reduces the spread of germs.

Pro tip: keep that disinfectant somewhere you can’t miss it. The more you wipe, the more it becomes like second nature. Clean seat, clear conscience.

Conclusion — Enjoy a cleaner, more comfortable toilet routine

Healthy toileting habits don’t have to be complicated.

Use a footstool to hit perfect posture, take it slow to avoid straining and don’t skimp on the handwashing (remember to sing "Happy Birthday"!).

Keep your bathroom clean with a quick wipe of the toilet seat, especially if you’re sharing the space. 

And while we're at it, isn’t it time you gave your toilet roll an upgrade? Who Gives A Crap offers sustainable toilet paper that’s as good for your bum as it is for the planet. Try it out now!