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11 reasons toilet paper is the best gift ever

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11 reasons toilet paper is the best gift ever

Make your list, check it twice and then throw that list out the window because we’ve already got your gifting sorted – The A - Z Edition. That’s right, this year’s (and every year’s, in our opinion) perfect gift is a box of toilet paper. There are many (many!) reasons why, but we thought we’d start with the top 11.

Everyone needs it 

Have someone in your life who’s impossible to buy for? Finally, there’s a gift you know they’ll actually appreciate. As long as your recipient is potty trained, they’ll have a good use for some toilet paper.

You can’t have too much

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that toilet paper is the apocalyptic currency of the future. It’s smart to stock up in the event of Zombies and such. Given the trajectory of this year, that could be any day now.

Great for regifting 

If, for some reason, your giftee is already stocked on TP for the next decade, our A - Z Edition is great for regifting. Whether it’s giving a personalised initial to a coworker, or a nice phrase to their kid’s teacher… you’d be enabling endless regifting possibilities.

It makes you look like a really good person

Something everyone can use? That’s helping the planet? And building toilets for people in need? COME ON. You’re like St. Nick himself.

It’s a conversation starter

Look, we’re not dummies. We know toilet paper isn’t the most conventional present. But that’s half the fun! Gathering around the hearth is overrated. We prefer communing over a giant box of loo roll.

It’s fun

Your mum may have told you not to play with your food, but did she ever say anything about toilet paper? We didn’t think so. Use The A - Z Edition to create word searches, crosswords, and scrambles!

It’s funny 

People don’t often talk about pooping during the holidays, and we think that’s a shame! Pooping is hilarious. And you know what they say about a family who laughs together…

The puns are endless

Take the plunge with a gift that will delight the crap out of your roommates or loomates. Their cheeks with flush with joy! See what we mean?

It’s meaningful

A gift like toilet paper encourages you to see the beauty in life’s small, everyday items. Sound dramatic? Well maybe it is, but just LOOK at how beautiful these rolls are.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving 

Our rolls are for more than wiping – they’re also perfect for crafting! Garlands, Christmas crackers, origami and more are all just a snip and a fold away.

It makes a statement

Sometimes the best things do come in really big packages. A box of 48 rolls? Now that’s quite striking under a tree. Once you open The A - Z Edition, you can make another statement (literally!) by spelling out messages with the rolls.

Convinced? Thought so. Check out The A - Z Edition and check this year’s shopping off of your list.