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The great toilet paper debate: over or under?

The great toilet paper debate: over or under?


Spending months locked in my house has made two things very clear to me. Firstly, that denim pants (or any other uncomfortable item of clothing) in my mind, are obsolete. And secondly, that I’m really, really good at arguing with myself. You may call it critical thinking, but I call it a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

There’s one issue that I’ve been going back and forth with myself for a while, every time I change my loo roll. It’s a toilet tissue issue, the most serious of toilet issues. I decided to bring in some outside opinions, asking my friends to weigh in, to a mixed response. I even asked Google. And now, I lay the points out before you. Is there a right way to hang your toilet paper?

In favour of draping your toilet paper over.

Members of the toilet paper community, there’s no disputing the fact that draping your toilet paper over gives you easier access to pull off the number of sheets required for your number ones, twos and threes (don’t ask). With the end of the toilet paper on top, you can easily see where to grab and pull – without needing to fumble around awkwardly while someone’s knocking at the door. Occupied!

Now consider my second point: hanging the toilet paper over reduces the spread of bacteria from fellow poopers, which can lead to very upset stomachs. Science says! When you reach for the toilet paper, you’ve got little bits of bacteria all over your hands. And if that toilet paper is hung under, there’s a high chance your fingers will brush against the wall. And so will the next person’s and the next person’s, adding to the cocktail of bacteria brewing. Hanging over reduces the amount of contact you’ll have with the wall and your bathroom buddies.

If that’s not enough to make you want to wash your hands for twenty minutes straight and re-hang every loo roll you come across, my third and final point might push you over the line. The inventor of toilet paper, Seth Wheeler, hangs theirs over! Although I personally take the inventor argument with a grain of salt – the inventor of gifs pronounces them “jifs”, which I still refuse to accept.


In favour of hanging your toilet paper under

Let’s not beat around the bush: hanging your toilet paper under is considered tidier, with the end of the roll hidden from view. If you like a neat and tidy bathroom yet are partial to having dinner guests over, this option might be for you. Although you could also just hang it over, tuck the end in a tiny triangle and pretend you’re living in a hotel. I recommend putting a chocolate on your pillow too for the full 5-star experience. Anyone know how to origami a towel into a swan?

My second point might be the one that settles this once and for all. Cats. If you have one, you’ll know what I mean. Those pesky little paws. And have you seen the size of those claws!? Hang your toilet paper over and one hook is all it takes for your entire bathroom to look like a shredder got into a fight with an Egyptian mummy. 

And to take it home, I present you my third and final point for hanging your toilet paper under: kids. For further explanation, see cats.

Roll-edit copy.jpg

Honestly, it all comes down to personal preference. As long as you’re washing your hands, being kind to the planet and looking after your bottom (with our super soft loo roll), we don’t mind which way you hang! And one thing we can all agree on? The bathroom behaviour in the photo here is criminal. (But bonus points for showing off that cute packaging.)

Under or over? Tell us what you prefer in the comments below (and why).

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