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How to bring nature inside (minus the bugs)

How to bring nature inside (minus the bugs)

It’s no secret that being in nature is good for our health. There are studies to back it up! Spending at least 120 minutes in nature each week is shown to have some pretty serious effects on our bodies: lowering blood pressure, lowering our cortisol and enhancing our immune system functions. It also has an effect on our noggins: increasing self-esteem, reducing anxiety and improving our mood.

Yet many of us live deep in the concrete jungle. Escaping to the wilderness can require annual leave, some form of transportation, and often, a buddy or two. Gah, conflicting schedules! So, what do we do when we can’t get out into nature? Simple! We’ll bring nature to us.

Become a plant mama (or papa)

Nothing makes us happier than turning our living spaces into literal forests. Think fiddle leaf gigs, snake plants, birds of paradise, or even cacti if you like something a little more low maintenance (and more Californian desert). Not only will they take your home to the next level, but they’ll purify the air. Breathe in that fresh wilderness!

Get that light in

We hear windows do a really good job of letting light in. Otherwise, if your dwelling is on the darker side (like mine is), invest in mirrors! They do an awesome job of reflecting whatever sliver of natural light you have access to and will brighten up your space in no time. Ta-da!

Consider your colours

Blue? That’s the sea and sky. Green? Grass and plants. Yellow? Fresh like flowers. So are pinks and purples. Brown is earth and… okay maybe not brown. Pick your colours carefully and you can trick your brain into thinking it’s in the great outdoors! Think colourful furniture, artwork, homewares, or might we even suggest some decorative toilet paper?

Hang it up on the walls

If your walls are looking a little bare, get them looking a little bear instead! Pop up a print from your favourite nature photographer. Flora or fauna photography? Both work! Not only are you supporting someone’s creative pursuit (one of our favourite pastimes), but you’re escaping to the beach/forest/arctic without even leaving the house! Or getting dressed!

Feel sense-ational

Find ways to engage the rest of your senses. Cover every surface of your home in incense or candles, like woodsy, floral or even s’more scents (yum!). Switch up the music in your home office to relaxing soundscapes. We love the sound of rain dripping in the forest. But if crashing waves or even crackling campfires are more your vibe, then more power to you!

Use more eco-friendly materials to connect to nature

Bedding, towels, cleaning products, toothbrushes, and what do you know, even toilet paper can help you connect to nature! By using more eco-friendly products, you can feel like you’re doing something good for mama earth. It’s like giving her a big hug, until you can actually get out there and give her a real one. 

What are some ways you’re getting in touch with nature? Show us and tag us @whogivesacraptp, or let us know in the comments section below! 

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