
Oh hi 👋

Welcome to a delightful little blog brought to you by the nerds at Who Gives A Crap.

Feeling the fuzzies during this quarantine-fueled rollercoaster

Feeling the fuzzies during this quarantine-fueled rollercoaster

Since being in quarantine, we’ve felt a slew of emotions that range from stress, fear and loneliness to hopefulness, joy and contentment. We’re sad, we’re laughing, we’re joking, we’re nervous, we’re hungry, we’re sleepy, we’re silly, we’re everything all at once. And it’s been a week. Who knew you could feel so much while staying in one place? Hopefully, you can relate. If not, you’ll just have to come to terms with the fact your toilet paper company is run by a bunch of weirdos. But you probably already knew that.

Throughout all of this though, we’ve felt a whole lot of gratitude (aka the fuzzies).

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We’re thankful for our dogs who keep us company (and are sick of us now).

We’re thankful for our kids who tell the most nonsensical (and best) knock knock jokes because they have no idea what’s going on.

We’re thankful for showers that feel normal amidst all of this weirdness.

We’re thankful for the fact wine doesn’t go bad.

We’re thankful for the people doing incredibly kind things like delivering groceries to older folks.

We’re thankful for the information that helps us stay safe.

We’re thankful for this time to catch up with friends who live far away.

We’re thankful for Olivia Newton-John, who has some real bangers to get you through a social distancing dance party.

We’re thankful for this video of penguins enjoying the aquarium.

We’re thankful for you! For being patient with us while we’re out of stock and supporting our mission to bring toilets to everyone. This is the best community we could ask for.

What are you feeling thankful for right now? Let’s keep this list going!

Play Ply vs. Ply

Play Ply vs. Ply

Expert (we’re the experts) advice for working remotely

Expert (we’re the experts) advice for working remotely
