Nope! Glad we cleared that up.
Just kidding, that’s not the end of the article. We get this question a lot, and totally see why there might be some confusion. We donate money. But also keep some? This stuff is a little complicated.
We’re not a non-profit, but we’re also not your typical for-profit business. We fit somewhere in the middle – you could call us a social enterprise or a profit-for-purpose business.
What does that mean?
It means that we use our profits to do good. We give 50% of our profits to charity partners that share our mission to bring toilets to the billions of people who need them. We’re able to use the other half of the profits to invest in the growth of the business. We’ve set up this model so that our financial incentives are always aligned with our impact incentives. In other words, the more our business grows, the greater the impact we have. We’ve doubled in size nearly every year and hope to continue growing as fast as possible to scale both our business and impact. We always have our eye on the prize: toilets for everyone.
“We give 50% of our profits to charity partners that share our mission to bring toilets to the billions of people who need them.”
But how do I know you’re for real?
Honestly, you’re right to be suspicious. It’s tough to navigate all the brands claiming to be the “green” or “socially conscious” choice. We’re also people who want to use our buying power to do the right thing, so we know how hard it can be.
As a business, we’re proud to be third-party certified by B Corp™ for the highest social and environmental impact standards. That means we’ve been independently assessed as a “for benefit” company.” This certification covers a wide range of aspects of our business and ranks our performance across a rigorous set of criteria. Part of this certification involves an independent assessment of our financial statements confirming our claim to donate at least 50% to charities. You can also take a look at our public donation receipts from our partners here. If you have any other questions, ask us! It’s important to us that you feel comfortable trusting us with your money.
OK, but is 50% a lot?
Not to toot our own horn, but yes. It is. And it’s not easy. It makes us focus really hard on every dollar we spend and makes managing our cash flow especially challenging. It forces us to question how fast we should be growing, and how we should invest in that growth. It’s been hard, but we’re committed!
We don’t say this for pity or to brag, it’s just that we’re incredibly proud that as of January 2020, we’ve donated over $2.5 million Australian dollars. Our impact is the reason we come to work even when the coffee is total crap.
“We believe wholeheartedly that businesses can (and should!) play an active role in making the world a better place.”
Should I still give to charity?
Listen, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, but we see our products as a supplement to supporting the organizations you love, not a substitute. When we started, we wanted to give people the opportunity to do a bit of good when they went to the bathroom (something everyone does). And while our impact has been bigger than we could have thought possible in the beginning, we still encourage our customers to support causes on their own.
What charities do you recommend?
There are heaps of incredible organizations doing tremendous work in sanitation (and beyond!), but you can learn about ones like WaterAid and Water For People we partner with here.
Wow, all of this sounds great! Sign me up for some of this magical loo roll that helps build toilets.
Why, we thought you’d never ask. Sign up for a subscription or one time order here. Your money is not only getting you high quality, sustainable products. It’s also bringing toilets and clean water to people that need it!