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20 overlooked (but super impactful) ways to fight climate change

20 overlooked (but super impactful) ways to fight climate change

Look, we’re not going to lie to you. The planet is in pretty bad shape. We don’t have the heart to really get into it right now, but check out this article from New York Magazine if you know someone who needs a kick up the butt about the future of our planet.

We choose to believe it’s not completely hopeless. There’s plenty that we all can do to slow the effects of climate change and, in some cases, even reverse them. These are some of our favourite tips that may not have already occurred to you.

1. Properly dispose of your appliances

We know this seems random, but it’s one of the most impactful things you can do for the environment. ACs and refrigerators run on hydrofluorocarbons, a refrigerant that releases tonnes of carbon dioxide when not properly removed. So don’t leave your old mini fridge on the side of the road… like we did that one time at uni when we didn’t know better.

2. Reuse

Yes, recycling is great. Still, it can be easy to forget that recycling consumes a lot of energy. You know what takes less energy? Washing out that jam jar. Instead of buying reusable containers, consider what you already have lying around your recycling bin.

3. Support women’s education

What does women’s education have to do with the environment? Turns out, a lot! According to Project Drawdown, “Letting more girls continue their education, receive wanted contraception, and space out their youngsters as they’d like could cut around 120 billion tons of greenhouse gases that we'd otherwise emit over the next 30 years.” Wow!

4. Support forest protection organisations

Planting trees is awesome, but it takes decades to foster the biodiversity and complexity that pre-existing forests have. The older the forest, the more it’s able to trap and synthesise carbon dioxide. That’s why it’s so important to invest in protecting the forested lands that are currently in danger. Check out this list of conservation and forestry organisations that need your help.

5. Start a compost

All you need to get started is a bin (or bag) to collect your food scraps. Some bins are so good looking, they could double as countertop decor. Nothing says eco-fabulous quite like a mid-century modern compost bin, right? Sorry, we’ll never say eco-fabulous again.

6. Turn off the lights

We don’t mean to sound like your dad, but turn off the lights when you leave a room, for pete’s sake! On average, we consume 12,000 watts of power per year - that’s 6x more than what environmental scientists recommend. Just being intentional about your energy usage can go a long way to living more efficiently.

7. Do a plastic stocktake

We all know that plastic free and reusable items are better for the environment. Still, we challenge you to look around your house and see how many you’re actually using. If your home’s anything like ours, you’ll be surprised by all of the single use plastic hiding in your bathroom, kitchen and bedside table. Those things may be convenient, but they’re a real hassle for the planet.

8. Shop bamboo

You may already know about our premium 100% bamboo rolls, but bamboo can do a lot more than make incredibly soft toilet paper. It can make furniture, bicycles, boats, baskets, fabric and almost every part of your house. Bamboo is technically grass, so it repopulates quickly, and it's a super sustainable material. In fact, bamboo takes carbon out of the air faster than nearly any other plant. Neat!

9. Go for a walk

If we all travelled by foot instead of by car for just 5% of our outings, we’d save 2.6 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050. That’s over 2 billion metric tons, or the mass of 14 billion elephants!

10. Try solar power

Rooftop solar panels are an incredible way to generate electricity without releasing any greenhouse gasses. Plus, they are much more cost effective than your standard electric grids. If you’re not ready for all of that, solar-powered appliances are a great way to test the waters. IKEA is even coming out with a whole line of solar-powered electronics and phone chargers.

11. Be water conscious

We know, we know. A nice, long shower is, well, nice. But an average 10 minute shower wastes around 75–190 litres of water, so try to keep your lather time to 4 minutes. Unless you spend your days rolling in mud (which actually sounds very fun), you shouldn’t need longer.

12. Take mass transit

Too far to walk? Too rusty on a bike? Take advantage of your city’s public transportation! If mass transit accounted for 40% of urban travel, we’d save 6.6 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050. If a car is truly your only option, try carpooling or using ridesharing apps. Who knows, you might even make a new friend to talk toilet paper with. 

13. Vote

Climate change can seem like a problem of personal consumption, but it is important to recognise the structural changes that we need for a healthier planet. Put your money where your recycling bin is and support candidates that share your passion for environmental justice.

14. Be wary of wholesale supermarkets

Stores like Costco offer great deals, but if you’re not actually eating everything you buy, it’s a terrible deal for Mama Earth. We’ve all been guilty of letting lettuce wilt or mold over, but when you throw away uneaten food, you’re also tossing the energy, seeds and water it took to grow it.

15. Eat a plant-rich diet

A study from the Environmental Working Group, shows that red meat is responsible for 10 to 40 times as many greenhouse gas emissions as vegetables and grains. And it’s not just cheeseburgers that are the problem. Just the act of growing the feed for livestock emits a shocking amount of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Eek!

16. Have a conversation

Too many people think that climate change is too big, too far away or too sciencey to understand. Check out this TED Talk to learn more about the importance of chatting about the earth. We recommend having a nice biscuit while you do your chat, but that part is totally up to you.

17. Spend wisely

Your money is a super powerful tool for change. Try to support businesses that are kind to the environment, consider where your superannuation, banking and energy dollars are going, and demand investments into clean energy and away from fossil fuels.

18. Buy less clothing

Worldwide, 80% of used textiles end up in a landfill.  Fast fashion is a very real threat to the environment, so try to only buy the things that you truly need and love. Even better, buy second-hand to break the cycle of overconsumption. Afterall, a healthy planet never goes out of style.

19. Cook with in-season veggies

Skip the produce that’s had to be flown halfway across the world. In-season produce tastes so much more delicious anyway. Check out seasonal shopping guides for summer or winter, and think of all of the wonderful fruit pies you could make.

20. Buy eco-friendly toilet paper

You knew we were going to say that, right? Well, it’s important! Each day, 27,000 trees are cut down just to make toilet paper. By making the switch to our TP, which is B corp certified for social and environmental impact, you are helping fight deforestation and reducing CO2 emissions. Nice one!

For even more ways to reverse the effects of climate change, check out Project Drawdown. It’s a super cool organisation that’s listed (and ranked!) the most impactful ways we can fight global warming, based on research from leading researchers and policymakers around the world.

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