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Toilet paper crafts: Pet edition

We’re no strangers to craft-ivities. We’ve made toilet paper hats, tiny pots and even smartphone speakers with our packaging. But why should us humans have all the fun? Power to the pets, we say. We’ve seen what yours have been getting up to when your backs are turned. And we’ve gotta admit, they’re a crafty bunch. Especially you, Waffles!

Chew toy

The obvious choice, especially with those inner cores. When you’ve reached the last square on your roll, instead of throwing the roll in the bin, throw it to your pet. Fun to play with, equally fun to destroy. Not as fun to clean up.

Non-chew toys

Some pets play with their food and eat their toys. But if your pet is a little left field and actually likes to play with their toys, we’ve got some ideas for you too. May we suggest making pom poms out of the wrappers, connecting them to pieces of string, then taunting your cats for hours?

Play fetch

Or as we call it in our house, “Throw and maybe they’ll decide to return it this time.” Catchy. Playing fetch is a sure way to tire your pup out. Or yourself.

Obstacle course

Level up. You can create challenges with your toilet rolls like these folks did. Or turn your living room into a full blown obstacle course, ticking off your dog training at the same time. Whatever you choose to do, please document it and tag @whogivesacraptp. For a friend. Ok fine, it’s for me. Whatever.

Cat mansions

Another idea for your leftover cardboard boxes: collect one, two, or ten, then cut holes for doors and connect them together. Build different rooms. Create a mansion. Or maybe a canine coworking space? Someone even made a cat saloon once.

Unintentional decorating

Your pets love to steal our rolls off the toilet paper holder. We’ve seen it happen. Within minutes, the entire roll is unwravelled all over your living room floor, kitchen and master bedroom. We’ll take it as proof our loo rolls really are extra long.

Convinced? Go forth and subscribe to get your pet’s arts and crafts starter pack in the mail! And always remember to please throw away anything your dog shreds to avoid choking hazards. Yes, even those Doc Martens you thought you hid in a really safe spot *sobs*