Talking Crap

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Sink your teeth into these crafts for Shark Week

It’s that time again (although it kind of all ways seems like it’s that time, no?) – Shark Week. It’s arguably the weirdest, most niche television programming block of the year, so obviously we’re intrigued. And really, these days, almost anything piques our interest. So we thought we’d take this opportunity to show you our favourite shark-themed crafts. They’re fun to make, fun to play with, and it’s fun to work with a theme that’s not just “wow, 2020 is a mess.”

Here’s how we made our crafts, but there is no wrong way to celebrate a sort of contentious week. We hope you use these as inspiration to create your own shark week silliness!

Toilet rolls sharks

You’ll need:

  • Scissors

  • TP cores

  • Paint

  • Paper

  • Glue

  • Marker

  1. Cut two triangles out of the end of your core to create the shark’s mouth. Be sure to save the pieces to make the fin and tail.

  2. Paint the outside of the tube and the triangles whatever colour you wish sharks were.

  3. Cut teeth out of the paper to glue on the inside of the mouth.

  4. Cut circles for the shark’s eyes out of your paper.

  5. Glue on the eyes, fin and tail.

  6. Use a marker to draw pupils or any designs on the side of your shark.

  7. Get the Jaws theme song stuck in your head for 3 days.

Shark Toss!

You’ll need: 

  • Cardboard box (like ours!)

  • Scissors

  • Box cutter 

  • Paper 

  • Glue

  • Paint and paintbrushes

  1. Unfold the box

  2. Use a box cutter to cut out a shark’s mouth

  3. Paint a shark around the mouth 

  4. Cut out paper teeth and glue them to the back of the box

  5. Lean your shark against a stair rail or picnic table

  6. Use TP rolls to toss in the mouth (we like making each colour roll worth a different number of points) 

  7. Have a very fun time

Bonus: This shark also makes a great photo opp. Hashtag shark week, anyone?

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