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25 ways to reuse a jam jar

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25 ways to reuse a jam jar

Recycling is great, but it still takes heaps of energy and resources. You know what’s even better? Reusing. There are tonnes of products that are marketed as “eco-friendly” when the actual eco-friendly thing to do is use what you already have. Even a humble jam jar can be reused in a multitude of ways. 25, to be exact. At least that’s all we could think of. Here’s our list:

  1. Snack box 

  2. Salad container

  3. Parfait glass 

  4. Vase

  5. Bathroom organiser

  6. Button storage 

  7. Hair pins holder

  8. Bulk bin container 

  9. Gift box

  10. Travel tumbler 

  11. Smoothie glass 

  12. Coffee cup

  13. Wine glass

  14. Terrarium 

  15. Backyard toy

  16. Propagation station

  17. Pencil holder

  18. Paper clip organiser 

  19. Herb planter 

  20. DIY scrub holder

  21. Baking dish

  22. Candle

  23. Piggy Bank

  24. Pickling jar

  25. iPhone speaker

We know there are infinitely more ways to use a jar, but we’re tired and now are really in the mood for some jam on toast. Let us know your favourite reuses for a jam jar in the comments. We can’t wait to hear what you’ve come up with!